Health Promotion & Education
The health promotion and Education division was created in 2005 by incorporating the functions and activities of Health Education Services division of the bureau. The HPE division is responsible for co coordinating and collaborating Health promotional and educational activities with national & international agencies. This division directly associates with State Health Education Bureaus for imparting health education in the states. It also celebrates national and International health days through adopting various medias of communication like press advertisement, production of health education materials on the theme and broadcasting and telecasting through Prasar Bharti (AIR, Doordarshan). The HPE division laison with WHO to carry out health education & health promotion projects for implementation of health education programs in the country.
Functions and Duties of Division
1. To establish and maintain linkages with National (Govt.) and non-Govt.), international agencies for health promotional and health educational activities/services in the country.
2. To maintain close linkage with state health education Bureau(SHEs) to facilitate, advocate and strengthen and to evaluate health education programmes.
3. To facilitate capacity building of man power working in SHEs through need based training programmes/fellowships and periodical regional review meetings, seminars workshops for receiving and giving feedback on different aspects.
4. To plan, design and monitor guidelines on different activities of SHEs and other health agencies engaged in the field of health promotion and education.
5. To supply prototype health education material and guidelines for observance of special health days, weeks, fortnights.
6. To provide need based consultative and advisory service to different health agencies