
Organization Chart

  • 1. CMO -Chief Medical Officer
  • 2. SAG -Senior Administrative Grade
  • 3. HEO - Health Education Officer
  • 4. UDC - Upper Division Clerk
  • 5. LDC - Lower Division Clerk
  • 6. MTS - Multi Tasking Staff
  • 7. HPED - Health Promotion and Education Division
  • 8. DADG - Deputy Assistant Director General
  • 9. PH - Public Health
  • 10. M&E - Media & Editorial
  • 11. TRE - Training, Resarch & Evalution
  • 12. SHAE - School Health Adolscent Education
  • 13. Jr. - Junior
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Page last updated date : Wednesday, 13, April 2022 | 05:56 PM

Media & Editorial Division

The Media Division of the Bureau is mainly responsible for producing health education and…

Health Promotion & Education

The health promotion and Education division was created in 2005 by incorporating the functions…

The School Health Education

The School Health Education Division was established in 1958 with a view to strengthening health…

Training Division

Training constitutes a major function of the Bureau. The Training Division of the Bureau came…

Administrative Division

The Administration Division of the Bureau is essentially a Service Division for the other…