The School Health Education
The School Health Education Division was established in 1958 with a view to strengthening health education programmes for the younger generation. It works as technical resource centre with the Ministry of Education, N.C.E.R.T., and Directorate of Adult Education. It works in close collaboration with all these agencies and also with State Health and Education Departments and Universities in the country for strengthening health education programme for formal and non-formal education.
The functions of the Division are:
1. To interpret plans, programmes and policies of the Union Ministry of Health and F.W., Ministry of Education and Culture, State Governments and key organizations with a view to get them properly reflected in their education in the country.
2. To plan, strengthen and revise health and population education curriculum in the light of the assessed needs for various levels.
3. To provide consultative and advisory service in school health to various organizations with regard to different components of the programme.
4. To coordinate plans and programmes in the field of School Health carried out in States and U.Ts.
5. To produce ‘type’ instructional material for strengthening health education components of formal and non-formal education.
6. To act as clearing house for information materials, projects and plans related to health education components of formal and non-formal programmes of education.
7. To conduct pre-service and in-service education programmes.