Training Division
Training constitutes a major function of the Bureau. The Training Division of the Bureau came into being in 1964. But the first training programme had been started in 1960 itself with the help of various specialists available in the Bureau to organize courses for different categories of personnel such as Family Planning Extension Educators, V.D. Workers, Distt. Health Extension Educators, Health Visitors, Nursing Superintendents, Social Workers, Social Scientists, Teachers and Medical Personnel of the various State Health Education Bureaux. In recent years much emphasis is laid on supervised field programmes for the trainees in order to develop skills in extension education and to integrate the theoretical aspects of health education with the field operations.
The Central Health Education Bureau conducts both long term and short term courses in health Education. The trainees are key trainer as well as other category of health personnel deputed to Bureau for training in Health Education.
The objectives of the training division are to:-
1. Provide training in health education through long & short term training programmes to equip the participant to work as Health Education Specialities.
2. Prepare and standardize training curricula etc. for the training of various categories of health education personnel.
3. Provide assistant and guidance to the faculty of health & family planning training centres located in the state of Haryana, Bihar and union territory of Delhi.
4. Organise periodically short orientation training programmes for visitors to the Bureau from within & outside the country.
The activities of the Training Division fall mainly under three categories.
1. Diploma in Health Education
The course was started by the Bureau in 1971 & is a post graduate course of two years during since 1989 affiliated to the University of Delhi & recognized by Medical council of India. It is design with the view to prepare health education specialist in the country. The course has an admission capacity of 20 & is open to both medical & non medical gradates with social science background and work experience of one to three years. Foreign students sponsored by the respected countries are also admitted to the course if they fulfill the requirements of admission as laid down by the University of Delhi. The officers of the CHEB conduct the course and participate in teaching & in field training.
2. In-Service Training
3. Orientation Training Programmes
The CHEB, being a national institute, shares its health education knowledge and skills with other national and international agencies and developing countries by way of providing orientation to their personnel. It offers orientation training to medical as well as non-medical personnel sponsored by various organizations including international organizations. On an average, the Bureau offers training to 400 to 500 visitors every year. The duration of orientation varies from a day to several weeks.
4. Research and Evaluation Division
The knowledge of people’s behaviour forms essential components of health education. To understand why people behave the way they do and to develop better ways and means to change them, it is essential to study the people knowledge, their health practises and attitude towards various health problems and programmes. With this view in mind, the Research and Evaluation division was established in 1960 with the objective to understand and promote behavioural research activities in the country.
The functions of the Division were to-
1. Conduct studies in various components of society and social forces related to health behaviour.
2. Conduct problem oriented studies to help in the effective implementation of various public health programmes.
3. Initiate long range theory – building health related behavioural studies in corporation / coordination with international agencies, Universities and other allied organisations.
4. Conduct research methods courses for training social scientists working in the SHEB’s, Medical colleges and in other allied institutions.
5. Strengthen social sciences and research methods component in various in service training programmes of the Bureau.
6. Participate in the two year post-graduate D.H.E. programmes of the Bureau affiliated to University of Delhi.
7. Conduct evaluation studies of the various training programmes, methods and media and other services activity of the Bureau.
8. Assist State Health Education Bureau in carrying out health education research and in other research oriented activities at the state level.
9. Disseminate health education research information to state health education bureau and various other allied institutions at the national level.
The projects under taken are:
1. Study on community participation in the expanded immunization programme in Maharashtra and Orissa States.
2. Study on the impact of health education materials/methods in management and control of diarrhoeal diseases.
3. Socio-cultural and health in V. D.
4. Perception of physician and non-physician health educators towards conducting health Education activities.